Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1780.07.08

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Index Entry Arne, composer of music for lyric [beg] When Britain on her sea-girt shore 
Location London 
8 Jul 1780:22 (394)
An Ode,
Written by Henry Green, Author of Grog is the Liquor of
Life; and set to Music by Dr. Arne.
Sung lately at Covent Garden Theatre.
When Britain on her sea-girt shore,
Her white rob'd Druids erst address'd;
What aid (she cry'd) shall I implore,
What best defence by numbers press'd?
Tho' hostile nations round thee rise,
(The mystic Oracles reply'd)
And view thin isle with envious eyes,
Their threats defy, their rage deride,
Nor fear invasion from your adverse Gauls,
Britain's best bulwarks are her Wooden Walls.
Thine Oaks descending to the main,
With floating forts shall stem the tides,
Asserting Britain's liquid reign
Where e'er her thundring navy rides:
Nor less to peaceful arts inclind'd,
Where commerce opens all her shores,
In social bands shall league mankind,
And join the sea-divided shores;
Spread then thy sails where Navy Glory calls,
Britain's best bulwarks are her Wooden Walls.
Hail, happy Isle! what tho' thy vales
No vine impurpled tribute yield,
Nor fann'd with odour-breathing gales,
Nor crops spontaneous glad the field;
Yet liberty rewards the toil
Of industry, to labour prone,
Who jocund plows the gratefull soil,
And reaps the harvest she has sown.
While other realms tyrannic sway enthralls,
Britain's best bulwarks are her Wooden Walls.
Thus spake the bearded Seers of yore,
In visions wrept of Britain's fame,
E'er Iberia felt her power,
Or Gallia trembled at her name;
E'er Columbus dar'd to'explore
New regions rising from the main;
From sea to sea, from shore to shore,
Bear then ye winds this solemn strain!
This sacred truth no awe struck world appals,
Britain's best bulwarks are her Wooden Walls.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1780.07.08 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0043045
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